Greetings, mortals
Jan 20, 2019
It's been a few months since I'd thought of putting this site up. Quite a bit of over-architecture and analysis went into the technology selection of this site.
Here's the thought process in all its distracted glory.
- Wordpress?
- Nah too common. The unwashed non-technical masses already do this. I need to feel technically superior to them.
- Build my own in Node.js, hosted on EC2 so that it can scale seamlesslessly when I make it big?
- Perhaps one of the 10 personal blogging platforms that I've undertaken to code in the past year would work.
- If only I could finish one before I got distracted by something new ... I can't even remember how far I got on the last one.
- No ... it would be best to throw those out and start fresh!
- Serverless? AWS S3, a Vue.js single page app calling API gateway, Lambdas and a DynamoDB back-end using Cognito for auth?
- All the cool kids are doing it. That would keep with the motto of the site.
- Yes well if i had the patience to hand-weave API calls and code into a very specific platform, perhaps this might be acceptable.
- Static generated? Seems quick to create and cheap to host.
- Ok but the frameworks out there are many and varied.
- Let me see whats out there. Holy *!$#! theres a lot of frameworks that do this...
Cue the Google mining and proof-of-concepting for yet another framework to do something that can be easily done by hand.
I eventually found Eleventy.
- Its simple, easy, and quick to slap together something but flexible.
- It runs on Node.js and is lightweight.
- I can commit my site to git and feel like I'm still coding stuff and being techy.
Ok so here we are folks.
Hello World.